Ashka Rin

"I do not fight for approval, nor for people's ideas of honour. I fight, quite simply, because I enjoy it."


  • Age: 23 Years ( Appearance ) / Possibly between 120-140+ years old.

  • Race: Viera - Rava

  • Height: 5'10"

  • Eyes: Silver

  • Marital Status: Single [ Pan ]

Ashka's frame is relatively strong, yet carries slender curves, but is beginning to fill out as she continues to perfect her training. A little shorter than average Viera, she is best described as 'lithe', but her exceptional talent in blade and lance-work, in addition to years of active hunting and defense of her woodland home have enabled her to maintain a very high level of performance as a soldier. Despite being often solitary, she enjoys social gatherings when she is able to partake in them, but always seems to gravitate toward combat or sport just as easily.With a healthy complexion, neat blonde hair that she often keeps sorted in a swept, loosely ornate style that frames her head, and shining silver eyes that are lined heavily with dark kohl - her stance seems demure and placid outside of a fight. Her even skin is unmarked save for a single tattoo on her lower abdomen of a sword encircled by a runic halo - a feature which she often leaves visible and exposed.


Showing some promise with her ties to martial skill from a young age, she was dutiful during her youth, holding the Green Word in a place of extreme importance in her heart, and grew into maturity while actively defending her sisters and the lands that they inhabited. After it was shown that despite her agile stature, the young female was capable of focusing her abilities to greatly enhance herself in physical conflict, it became clear that while she somewhat lacked the abilities needed for aetheric work in healing or spell-craft, her potential in melee and savage physical augmentations were frightening to behold. Working to guide her actions between balancing serenity and purpose with a deep-rooted streak for acting upon what she feels is correct, the Viera has grown more wise and contained in recent years - credited in part to experiencing for herself what the weight of violence, as well as maintaining oaths of duty and honor can impart upon those who walk such a path.Carrying herself with a quiet attempt at grace when off-duty or in public, she goes out of her way to present herself as reserved and almost air-headed - her mannerisms and humble demeanour often make her seem like a servant or 'simple student of whatever she happens to be interested in'. In spite of this tendency, she tries her utmost to keep her mind focused on her tasks and purpose ( as well as seeming proud, almost to the point of haughtiness at times ).In spite of often displaying a generally happy attitude, Ashka suffers from battlelust: her control and composure often slipping into sheer wrath and quickly overwhelming her opponents in flashy or vulgar displays of power when pressed in a fight, using spilled blood ( either her enemy's or her own ) as symbolic fuel for her fury. This ties into her body being left unarmored in many places - she has striven to focus her strength solely into her weapon, moving it with great accuracy and blinding speed, at the cost of protection in order to heighten the advantages of her talents.As a result, the combination of a singular determination and unrestrained, heated hunger on the field have earned her a feared reputation, and the nickname 'The Valkyrie of Ash' - A partly joking, and partly fearful moniker given to her by Sisters that watched her lay waste to entire squads of travelers and adventurers alike, in the name of 'what was correct for her people'. This is a name and symbol that she uses as much as a weapon as anything else in her arsenal, despite it being given to her early in life as a bit of a play on both her name and lifestyle by the inhabitants of the Wood.Having devoted herself to the survival of her comrades, and in trying to be a welcome presence alongside them in the field, the Viera eventually found herself leading the Umbral Ravens, and alongside her newly placed second-in-command, as well as the members of the small company, restructured their group - one focused on maintaining a large entertainment venue on the surface, while dealing in the shadowed and morally grey underbelly of the public's work, calling themselves The Scarlet Syndicate.More recently being forced to separate from her former partner, she has withdrawn, and become far more focused on combat, detaching herself from much of the day-to-day business of the Syndicate, instead working silently behind what's often seen, and perhaps for her own ends - but whether or not she will ultimately be able to grasp her potential, or succumb to her base nature and hunger for combat remains to be seen...